...to all my READERS…
… YOU enable me to live my dream. Thank you for your beautiful, motivating words. Each single posting made me smile. My heart overflows with joy when I see how many of you are rooting for Leni and Paul.
Thank you for your support!
Dear Readers of ‘Restart – Now as Ever’,
THANK YOU for your trust, your kind words and your support!
You make me really happy by leaving your comments and reviews on Amazon, Facebook, the Restart Homepage and various blogs and sales platforms. THANK YOUJ - with all my HEART!
Please tell your friends about Leni and Paul’s story and recommend my books. THANK YOU!
Thank you...
Thank you to my family and friends!
Thank you, my darling, for your patience, support and encouragement. Thank you for inspiring me and this story.
I’d also like to thank my parents – the first to struggle through the initial draft of my novel. You are my biggest critics, but also the ones who lend me wings. Thank you for every single minute.
Thank you, dear Christa, my first proofreader. Whenever I doubt myself, you send me a message and I know that I’m on the right path.
Thank you, Nina, for all your feedback. Each time the going gets tough, you are the one to protect and guide me with your words.
Thank you, Marianne, my friend from Germany, who so often remains steadfast by my side when the "Austrian" in me tries to take over. Also many thanks for your help with the book trailer.
Thank you, Sandi, for always being there for me although we’re separated by all those miles between Vienna and Munich. Thank you for the many inspirations from Africa.
Thank you, Johannes, for the gorgeous covers. You perfectly captured the essence of Leni and Paul.
Thank you, Patricia and Daniel, my Leni and Paul doubles – you portrayed the two of them so well that I occasionally felt like a little girl who was allowed to watch the two main protagonists from afar.
Thank you, Melanie Mandl, my editor, although your comments often made me want to tear my hair out, you also contributed an important part of the story.
Thank you to all the friends I made through Facebook over the last few months and thank you for your numerous e-mails. Your own stories also moved me and I’m grateful for your sincerity.
Thank you to all those people who believed in me and in the story of Leni and Paul.
Thank you to my family and friends for all your support.